Ada OpenGL Framework

The Ada-OpenGL framework contains an OpenGL header conversion for Ada with many functions and a simple way to create opengl contexts. In windows it uses the native win32 interface, in 1 and FreeBSD the X11 is used through Xlib. The windows code was used in porting the Lumen framework to windows.

The framework contains an event based gui library for opengl. For font rendering FreeType is used. All texts and iputs are stored in UTF-8 format. At the moment only one gui thema is implemented.

Also following features are part of the framework:

  • Network-Message-Stream with BSDSocket implementation
  • Support for distributed systems with MPICH2 implementation
  • Logging-Server/Client using the frameworks Netzwerk-Message-Streams

The framework has following GUI components:

LabelSimple text view
ScrollBarScrollbars, vertical
EditSingle line text input
ComboBoxSingle line input with drop down menu
ListBoxList component with selection
RadioButtonCheckbox which can be connected with other checkboxes to form a group
TabControlContainer for displaying several pages of content
ConsoleConsole as GUI component with word wrap
WindowMoveable and resizable window with optional close button
GroupBoxFramed and labeled container